Sunday, August 2, 2009

Are You Ready for Camp?

Here's an interesting little nugget. Part-time positions have opened up in the Army National Guard for Internment/Resettlement Specialists.
..................she pauses for dramatic effect..................
Hmm, just to make sure it wasn't somebody's idea of a joke, I searched myself.

"As an Internment/Resettlement Specialist for the Army National Guard, you will ensure the smooth running of military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility, similar to those duties conducted by civilian Corrections Officers. This will require you to know proper procedures and military law; and have the ability to think quickly in high-stress situations. Specific duties may include assisting with supervision and management operations; providing facility security; providing custody, control, supervision, and escort; and counseling individual prisoners in rehabilitative programs."

Perhaps they would work here. So, what do you think? Is your first thought, "Well, it must be for the war effort, you know all those Taliban and Al Qaida prisoners."? But wait...there's more...let me call your attention to the phrase "similar to those duties conducted by civilian Corrections Officers." Ok, then you think "Well, it must be to help the Iraqi or Afghani citizens who need help resettling." Perhaps, or maybe it's for something that's coming up in our own country with our own citizens. Our citizen "radicals" who, God forbid, have a Christian view, oppose illegal immigration, abortion, federal taxes and dare exercise their Right to Free Speech by putting...I shudder to say it...Bumper Stickers on their vehicles to espouse their beliefs. You decide, but the quote from Pastor Martin Niemöller seems appropriate.

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